FreeBSD, though it was a disk that went bad with media errors. FreeBSD is solid.
I'm sorry that I can't say yes here to giving you feedback on your project -- I'd love to have the time to do that every time I'm asked, and it wouldn't be fair to say yes selectively, or to give special treatment to people who find my blog.
Pierre, firstly - thank you so much for eBay. I "shop 'til I drop" there, and think that it's wonderful. I confess that I approached my very first transaction with trepidation (one hears so many horror stories about shopping on the net), but now shop with confidence - the security is of such an high standard. Secondly, Pierre, is it possible to contact you personally via email? Most anxious to, on another matter - quite unrelated to eBay. Certainly not something that I can speak of in a public forum, unfortunately. Anyway, Pierre, a million thanks for providing such a wonderful service - especially to us who live on this isolated lump of rock at the end of the earth (Australia)!! Warmest regards, Lynne.
Dear Pierre,
One of my hobbies was collecting old computers and cell phones to work on while I attended trade school to sharpen my tech skills. Well now a few years and a few trash bins later I had accumulated this garage full of etrash and pondered what to do with it. I thought about selling it on ebay but it was basically trash.
So I did some research and found that I wasn't the only one with this etrash and this obsolete ewaste. There were people like me all over the world. In further research I discovered that by 2010 there will be 1 billion obsolete computers & monitors, 50 - 60 million cell phones, obsolete video games,pda's etc, creating an environmental hazard.
So being the concerned human that I am I decided to make my contribution to the world and try to help eliminate this problem. So I came up with this great idea called EtrashBay and dubbed it "The World's Hi-Tech Recycle Bin". I was patterning this movement after I did my research on you,ebay, your success, and your willingness to help the world.
Well it is proving to be successful and on going but there something missing. I feel like I'm not doing enough to make the impact I envisioned and / or to make this a global success.
I'm sending you this Pierre because I'm am seeking the advice of a successful entrepreneur such as yourself and because I feel you are a genuinely sincere person committed to helping others and the world.
How can I successfully take "etrashbay" to the next level and truly make it "the world's hi-tech recycle bin".
We're glad to have you on board! And I'm happy to see your archived entries were imported as well.
Posted by: Anil | January 30, 2004 at 02:58 PM
Thanks, pretty nifty system you've got here.
Posted by: Pierre Omidyar | January 30, 2004 at 03:21 PM
Hi Pierre,
what OS where you running on that it crashed? also, is it possible to ask you for your feedback on an internet project i'm doing?
thank you.
Posted by: alain | January 30, 2004 at 05:38 PM
FreeBSD, though it was a disk that went bad with media errors. FreeBSD is solid.
I'm sorry that I can't say yes here to giving you feedback on your project -- I'd love to have the time to do that every time I'm asked, and it wouldn't be fair to say yes selectively, or to give special treatment to people who find my blog.
You can find me on LinkedIn, though.
Posted by: Pierre Omidyar | January 30, 2004 at 05:48 PM
i understand, thank you for replying to my post. FreeBSD, looks very interesting, not familiar with it, i will read more about it.
Posted by: alain | January 31, 2004 at 03:30 AM
Hi Pierre,
Pierre, firstly - thank you so much for eBay. I "shop 'til I drop" there, and think that it's wonderful. I confess that I approached my very first transaction with trepidation (one hears so many horror stories about shopping on the net), but now shop with confidence - the security is of such an high standard. Secondly, Pierre, is it possible to contact you personally via email? Most anxious to, on another matter - quite unrelated to eBay. Certainly not something that I can speak of in a public forum, unfortunately. Anyway, Pierre, a million thanks for providing such a wonderful service - especially to us who live on this isolated lump of rock at the end of the earth (Australia)!! Warmest regards, Lynne.
Posted by: Lynne Hadley | February 25, 2004 at 03:14 PM
Dear Pierre,
One of my hobbies was collecting old computers and cell phones to work on while I attended trade school to sharpen my tech skills. Well now a few years and a few trash bins later I had accumulated this garage full of etrash and pondered what to do with it. I thought about selling it on ebay but it was basically trash.
So I did some research and found that I wasn't the only one with this etrash and this obsolete ewaste. There were people like me all over the world. In further research I discovered that by 2010 there will be 1 billion obsolete computers & monitors, 50 - 60 million cell phones, obsolete video games,pda's etc, creating an environmental hazard.
So being the concerned human that I am I decided to make my contribution to the world and try to help eliminate this problem. So I came up with this great idea called EtrashBay and dubbed it "The World's Hi-Tech Recycle Bin". I was patterning this movement after I did my research on you,ebay, your success, and your willingness to help the world.
Well it is proving to be successful and on going but there something missing. I feel like I'm not doing enough to make the impact I envisioned and / or to make this a global success.
I'm sending you this Pierre because I'm am seeking the advice of a successful entrepreneur such as yourself and because I feel you are a genuinely sincere person committed to helping others and the world.
How can I successfully take "etrashbay" to the next level and truly make it "the world's hi-tech recycle bin".
Posted by: Pat | August 06, 2004 at 11:51 AM