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February 10, 2004



Dear Pierre,

How coincidental that you had to post this...

Yesterday afternoon I received an email regarding the same subject from a former UNLV professor, Julian Kilker.

He is there at the conference and was emailing me while sitting through a presentation.

In my reply, one of the things I told him was that I just stumbled upon your (this) blog a couple of days ago and I suggested him to contact you as a guest speaker for one of his multimedia design classes.

Since you live here in Henderson you could easily meet with him and chat about the conference and whatnot. He must be one of the very few who live in this valley who have a good grasp of the emerging technologies subject.

Here is his page: http://www.nevada.edu/~kilker/


Giorgio ( :^ )

Doug Kenline

Thanks for blogging Pierre. Good leadership.

Ross Mayfield

Thank you! Unfortunately I had to head home today, so the coverage is elsewhere. Already having Etech withdrawls, you would really dig it.

The Blog Sceptic

ETech! Social networks! Blog this, FOAF that! Mobile urban international youth culture! User-centered flux capacitors! Emergent democratic empowerment of post-protean societies, YEAH!

Well, it's official! I created a site for blog sceptics called, surprisingly enough, The Blog Sceptic (blogsceptic.blogspot.com).

Anyone is welcome to email me ideas or particularly egregious examples of navel-gazing

Alan Bacon (sui Juris)

There IS technology to clean up and prevent environmental degradation, you know.

AREM Enterprises and Sutton Energy provide both soil remediation units (to clean contaminated soil) and Solid Waste to Energy Plants (instead of landfills)!

Please review and comment:

"The sands of time are trickling away from our dear mother Earth and yet we continue to fight amongst ourselves and destroy our natural environment, leaving all the mess for our children and their children's children to inherit when we're gone?"




is there any way that i can contact Mr. Pierre Omidyar.Evwen if I can write or even fax him please.
Thank you, Rob.

Amie Walton

Hi Pierre: First let me apologize for posting n your weblog, especially when you requested that nobody do this. I have been trying to locate you on LinkedIn and have not had any luck. Is there a way I can contact you regarding a business venture?

Rolf Müller

Hello Pierre,
is it possible to kontact you via email?
I am a part of a german developerteam, we would like to interduce our project.
You are interessted in advanced technology, i am sure it will be very interessting to you.

Regards from Germany

Rolf Müller

Hello Pierre,
is it possible to contact you via email?
I am a part of a german developerteam, we would like to interduce our project.
You are interessted in advanced technology, i am sure it will be very interessting to you.

Regards from Germany


Hello Pierre,

I would like to applaud you today, not because you have founded a big company, or because you are part of the board of some companies or because of your wealth, but because of what you have made to make so many people happy. I’m a computer programmer like yourself living in new york city, and i just imagine coding something that would make so many people happy, it must have been a great rush. I just want to tell you thank you for making yourself accessible to everyone, for reading this and for having this blog. It doesn’t matter how much money you can have in your bank account, but the simplicity of who you are and what you do. For that I applaud you, and I hope after you read this i have lifted your spirit a little bit today.

Thank you.


Pierre Omidyar

Thank you, a, for your kind words.

For the people trying to contact me, please e-mail my office at my first name at ebay.com.

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