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February 09, 2004


Andrius Kulikauskas

Hi Pierre, thank you for being reachable. Peter Kaminski encouraged me to approach you. I also learned of your work through Tom Munnecke's http://www.givingspace.org I've organized an open laboratory for independent thinkers around the world, http://www.ms.lt, with 75 active and 750 supportive participants. We reach out to involve all manner of independent thinkers, including Islamic independent thinkers, who I think would help express Islam as one faith but many lives, and our network might bridge cultures and provide integrity for business.

We propose to create a Social Networking Kit optimized for marginal Internet access so that we might integrate activists http://www.no-hit.com/andrius/archives/000074.html Our idea is to develop a web service so when people (who pay per minute, or away from home, or have a slow connection) could upload data and instructions they've prepared ahead of time. This leads to a modeling language for human activity on the web, such as "add to this wiki page", "comment on this blog", "spider this site", "look for this item on eBay" etc. Such a modeling language then serves as a universal interface for wikis, blogs, discussion lists, websites, etc. because the specific syntactic differences can be handled by the web service. The business model is that those syntaxes keep changing, so that social entrepreneurs can provide an open source engine which ISPs may offer the service for free to their subscribers, but the ISPs have to pay the entrepreneurs for prompt fixes, if they want them. Also, we are enabling thinkers with marginal access to become global activists. I expand on this idea in my proposal to Noah Samara of WorldSpace to make use of their satellites beaming radio and data to Africa and Asia http://www.no-hit.com/andrius/archives/000093.html Perhaps we might all work together to make this happen.

Meanwhile, we are developing team-building services based on our network of people who generate content in the Public Domain http://www.voght.com/cgi-bin/pywiki?OpenPeople We are able to freely circulate our content and energy to different groups. We can unload social networking from busy leaders, or serve people who don't have the social capital. We can mobilize ourselves as a team, and then sort out any income we earn through our own internal economy.

I'm glad to share our ideas. Thank you for your thoughtful service. Let us think how we might work together. Peace.

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